Good evening, everyone. I apologise for my somewhat lengthy absence from blogging but I hope when you read my post here, you will excuse me and understand the reason.
I am so thrilled, delighted and very excited to let you all know that some months ago I was approached by the wonderful Susan Andrews and Linda Ormsby of Jem's Designs to join their team as a cd designer. Would I? It's like all my dreams come true!
So I set to work and the result is that my debut cd "Yesterdays' Dreams" is launching on Create and Craft tomorrow at 12noon and 6pm in the expert hands of Susan Andrews herself. My second one is also now completed and out for sampling as we speak with the super talented Jem's Design Team.
How amazing is that, and how fortunate am I to have been given such an amazing opportunity to expand into this where I can hopefully give something back to people who have been with me and helped me throughout the years.
I would love you to have a look at the launch tomorrow if you can and would appreciate your comments if you can spare the time.
So now you know what I've been doing!
I didn't know I could do you think I have?
Thanks for popping in.
Haste ye back!
Crafty hugs, Sheenagh x