I love to share my designs but they are protected by Copyright which I own outright so I thank you not to copy or reproduce them for any reason or in any format either in part or as a whole.

Now that the business side of things has been taken care of please feel free to enjoy your visit and I hope you like what you see.

Haste ye back!

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

And the winner is......

Hello, my friends,
Thank you all so very much for entering the draw for my Blog Candy.
I am so pleased to have you all on board my blog and I just love to have your company here.
Well here it is...the moment of truth...with the help of the ever helpful Random Number Generator the winner is...
No. 5
and that is....Lindsay!
Please message me within 7 days, Lindsay, to arrange delivery.
and that is you...


  1. Congratulations Lindsay. Thank you Sheena for doing this. Chris xx

  2. Well done Lindsay I'm sure you will have loads of fun with your CD - Janexxx

  3. Oh wow! Thanks so much hun, this has really just brightened up my night. I couldn't see a contact thingy on here so I will send you a message through facebook, hope that's ok. Thanks again hun, hope you are ok.
    Lindsay xx

  4. oh how fab- well done Lindsay - hope you have lots of fun with it

    ELaine x

  5. Hi Sheenagh,
    If you pop over to my blog you will see I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award.
    Hope you are as pleased as I was to be given this.


I moderate all the comments that's why they don't post straight away. Thank you for taking your time posting them.